Olivier Antonin

Olivier ANTONIN, Directeur Général

Trained as an agricultural engineer and a farmer in the Garonne valley, Olivier has always been passionate about the world of agriculture. After 28 years in the agro-supply industry, Olivier is convinced that farmers need to move towards more efficient and sustainable production methods, combining productivity and respect for the environment. It was with this … Read more

Matthieu Chazalon

Matthieu CHAZALON, Chef de région Sud-Est

After studying to become an agricultural engineer and oenologist, Matthieu joined the Dubernet group in 2020 for his end-of-studies internship on the subject of plant cover. Then, he evolved in the group as a agro-oenology consultant engineer. He now works for Terra Mea as the South-East Regional Manager.

Fanny Hernandez

Fanny HERNANDEZ, Responsable Laboratoire

After completing a PhD thesis on the speciation of Chromium in foodstuffs at Anses (Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail), Fanny has been in charge of the elemental analysis unit at Dubernet Laboratories since 2017. At Terra Mea, her missions involve developing new analytical tools to better understand the … Read more

Maxime Magre

Maxime MAGRE, Responsable adjoint de l’unité analyse élémentaire

Maxime joined the group in 2018. With a degree in Biochemistry, he now manages the analysis team and ensures the quality of results.

Anne Sophie Delpech

Anne Sophie DELPECH, Technicienne en analyse élémentaire

Graduate of a BTS ABM (medical biology analysis). Born into a farming family, Anne-Sophie joined the Group in 2022 to contribute to the agro-ecological transition.

Sullivan Mateus

Sullivan MATEUS, technicien en analyse élémentaire.

Graduating with a DUT GCGP and a degree in eco-technology for depollution, Sullivan joined the group in 2020. In particular, he is in charge of soil microbial community analysis.

Julien Grangeon

Julien Grangeon, Technicien de prélèvement et d’analyse élémentaire

With a DUT in biological engineering (agronomy option), Julien joined the Group in 2021 in the elementary analysis division.