Sampling protocol 3-Biom

Established according to the AFNOR NF X31-100 norm ➡️Within the defined sampling zone (5m radius), drill 14 to 16 holes using an auger. For comparative dynamic monitoring, identify the area with GPS coordinates so that the next samples can be taken in the same place. ➡️For each hole, take samples from a depth of 30 … Read more

Come and see us at Les Culturales!

The Terra Mea team will be at Les Culturales (Congerville-Thionville, 91) on 14 and 15 June.👉 STAND G 65-67 This will be an opportunity to present our activities and our major innovation for measuring living organisms in the soil: 3-Biom analysis. Would you like to make an appointment with our team?Contact Olivier ANTONIN and Guillaume … Read more

Meet our team : Guillaume

Portrait Guillaume Desperrières

Guillaume Desperrières, our Technical Director. 👉 An agricultural engineer and oenologist by training, Guillaume joined the Laboratoires Dubernet group in 2016 as Managing Director of SRDV, an analysis and consultancy structure specialising in viticulture. 🌿 Passionate about agro-ecology, he now puts his skills to work for the global agricultural sector through Terra Mea. His job … Read more

Meet our team : Fanny

Fanny Hernandez, our Head of Elemental Analyses. 🎓 After completing a PhD thesis on chromium speciation in food at the Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire – Anses, Fanny joined the Laboratoires Dubernet group in 2017 as Head of the Elemental Analysis Unit. 🌿 At Terra Mea, her missions involve developing new analytical tools to gain … Read more

A look back at the inauguration of the Laboratoires Dubernet Campus

equipe laboratoires dubernet terra mea

On Friday 23 June, in Montredon-Corbières, almost 300 participants (elected representatives, customers, partners, suppliers, etc.) gathered around Matthieu Dubernet, Chairman of the Laboratoires Dubernet group, and his team, to inaugurate the laboratory’s new extension. The event began with a guided tour of the laboratory, followed by a speech by Matthieu Dubernet. As well as presenting … Read more

Inauguration of the Laboratoires Dubernet Campus

We are delighted to invite you to the official inauguration of the Dubernet Laboratories Campus on Friday 23 June 2023. After several months of work, we invite you to discover our new laboratory dedicated to performance and innovation, serving the wine industry and the agro-ecological transition. Program :16:30 – 18:00: Laboratory open house6.00 pm: Speeches … Read more

Sol Essentiel & Expert sampling protocol

➡️Within the defined sampling area, take 5 holes using an auger. The 5 holes can be drilled crosswise or diagonally (do not drill along the edge of the plot). ➡️For each hole, take a sample 30 cm deep, eliminating the superficial horizon (dead leaves, grass, etc.). ➡️Homogenize the 5 soundings in a bucket to obtain … Read more